Diablo 3 season 20 demon hunter
Diablo 3 season 20 demon hunter

diablo 3 season 20 demon hunter diablo 3 season 20 demon hunter

Only Invest on Potency for Control Builds On the other hand, you won't need to use Control skills that much on weaker enemies and most stronger enemies are completely immune to them. You also need more Resistance than Potency in PvP since Elite enemies can gain Control skills. Since a lot of players mix in some skills, Legendary Gems, and Legendary Gear with Control effects on the builds they use in PvP, it would be better to reduce their effects with Resistance so you don't get taken out in one burst. If you have to pick between the two secondary stats, especially when choosing between Citrine (Potency) and Topaz (Resistance), we recommend increasing Resistance as it will be more useful in both PvE and PvP than Potency. Paragon System Guide Should You Increase Potency or Resistance? Resistance is More Important Overall Some ranks, including the first rank of the Vanquisher tree, the fourth rank of the Treasure Hunter tree, and the third rank of the Gladiator tree, contain Potency perks that increase your Potency by +4 for each point invested. Once you reach level 60, you'll be able to invest points into various skill trees via the Paragon System. You can get these Gems randomly from Hidden Lairs, the Hilts Trader, and by grinding monsters in a group of 4 players (in the overworld or dungeons).Īll Normal Gems Invest in Potency Paragon Tree Perks Citrine Gems give +8 Potency at Rank 1, so upgrade them and slot them into your Secondary Equipment.

Diablo 3 season 20 demon hunter